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Joint Local Plan 2041 Examination Library

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Joint Local Plan and Topic Papers

CSD Core and Post Submission Documents, (inc. SA, HRA, IDP, EQIA)
LPP Joint Local Plan 2041 Previous Drafts and Supporting Documents
ALP Adopted Local Plan Documents
TOP Topic Papers

Supporting Documents

CIL Community Infrastructure Levy
DUC Duty to Cooperate and Statements of Common Ground with Local Authorities and Prescribed Bodies
GRO The Growth Deal and Oxfordshire Partnership Working Documents
LNP Other National and Local Plans, Policy and Strategies
NDP Neighbourhood Plans
OCD Other Council Documents, Local Strategies or Plans and National Policy

Evidence Base

CEQ Climate and Environmental Quality
DBE Design and the Built Environment
HES Housing, Economy and Settlements
HPL Healthy Places (including Leisure)
ITV Infrastructure, Transport and Viability
NHL Nature Recovery, Heritage and Landscape

Consultation Responses

Read the comments we received here.

Examination Documents

Inspectors’ Documents
Local Planning Authority Documents