Joint Local Plan 2041 Supporting Documents
Please head to our Joint Local Plan 2041 page for more details.
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Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SA/SEA) Report and Appendices A to L
- SA/SEA Appendix B (accessible version)
- SA/SEA Appendix D (accessible version)
- SA/SEA Appendix E (accessible version)
- SA/SEA Appendix H (accessible version)
- SA/SEA Appendix I (Part 1) (accessible version)
- SA/SEA Appendix I (Part 2) (accessible version)
- SA/SEA Appendix J (accessible version)
- SA/SEA Appendix L (accessible version)
Evidence base
Climate and Environmental Quality
- Air Quality Screening Assessment
- Dark Skies/Light Impact Assessment Methodology Report
- Dark Skies Lighting Design Guidance
- South Oxfordshire Karst Susceptibility Hazard Map Technical Note
- Net Zero Carbon Study:
- Net Zero Carbon Study Local Circumstances Report
- Net Zero Carbon Study Local Circumstances Report (accessible version)
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 1 and 2
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 1 and 2 (accessible version)
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 3
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 3 (accessible version)
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 4
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 4 (accessible version)
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 5
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 5 (accessible version)
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 6
- Net Zero Carbon Study Task 6 (accessible version)
Housing, Economy and Settlements
- Employment Land Needs Assessment Phase 1
- Employment Land Needs Assessment Phase 2
- Dalton Barracks Employment Assessment
Healthy Places and Leisure
- South Oxfordshire Draft Leisure Facilities Assessment and Strategy
- Vale of White Horse Draft Leisure Facilities Assessment and Strategy
Infrastructure, Transport and Viability
- Existing Transport Conditions Report
- Study of Active Travel for Allocations
- Transport Modelling Report
- Viability Report
Nature Recovery, Heritage and Landscape
Nature Recovery
- Habitats and Species Trends
- Assessment of Sites’ Biodiversity Net Gain Potential
- Ecological Assessment of Sydling’s Copse and College Pond SSSI
- Lowland Fens: Identifying Sites and Mapping Development Risk Zones
- Landscape Character Assessment
- Landscape Character Types (LCT):
- LCT 1 Chalk Escarpment
- LCT 2 Wooded Chalk Escarpment
- LCT 3 Open Chalk Dipslope
- LCT 4 Wooded Chalk Plateau and Valleys
- LCT 5 Wooded Chalk Ridges and Valleys
- LCT 6 Chalk Escarpment Footslopes
- LCT 7 Ridge Hilltops
- LCT 8 Ridge Slope
- LCT 9 Vale Edge Slopes
- LCT 10 Lower Vale Hills
- LCT 11 Upper Vale
- LCT 12 Middle Vale
- LCT 13 Lower Vale
- LCT 14 River Valleys
- Oxford Green Belt Study
- Renewables Landscape Sensitivity Assessment
- Tranquillity Assessment
- Valued Landscape Assessment
Topic Papers
- Biodiversity Net Gain Justification Topic Paper
- Climate Change Topic Paper
- Employment Needs Topic Paper
- Housing Requirement, Affordable Housing and Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Topic Paper
- Settlement Assessment and Hierarchy Topic Paper
- Site Selection (incorporating Sequential Flood Risk and Exception Tests) Topic Paper
- Spatial Strategy Topic Paper
- Town Centres and Retail Topic Paper
- Transport Safeguarding Topic Paper
- Water Efficiency Topic Paper
You can also review the evidence related to our Local Plan 2041 Preferred Options Consultation, which took place in January and February 2024.
You can see the evidence related to our adopted local plans here: